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Sunstroke Stories: 4 audio CDs

The four-disc set of audio recordings called Солнечный удар (Solnehnyj udar, Sunstroke), compiled and narrated by Elena Solovey, includes short stories by I. A. Bunin, A. N. Tolstoy, A. P. Chekhov, and Vladimir Nabokov. Complete unabridged texts in Russian. ISBN 1-58269-043-X. $49.00

Recorded by Elena Solovey, a highly popular film star whose cinematic career includes over fifty films, starting with the 1967 movie В горах мое сердце (V gorakh moyo serdtse). Most cinema lovers probably remember her in Несколько дней из жизни И. И. Обломова (Neskol'ko dnej iz zhizni I. I. Oblomova), Раба любви (Raba lyubvi), Жизнь Клима Самгина (Zhizn' Klima Samgina) and many others.


  • И. А. Бунин. «Легкое дыхание» (17:08), «Новый год» (17:47), «Солнечный удар» (24:45)
  • А. Н. Толстой. «Наташа» (27:00), «Миссис Бризли» (27:22)
  • А. П. Чехов. «Душечка» (37:26), «Несчастье» (36:25)
  • В. В. Набоков. «Оповещение» (20:06), «Случай из жизни» (23:07)

The Russian text of these works may be obtained in libraries and bookstores, and also on the Web:

Here is a very short sample sound clip, the opening sentence of Nabokov's "Notification."

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